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Questions tagged [convolution]

Convolution is a mathematical operation on two functions f and g, producing a third function that is typically viewed as a modified version of one of the original functions.

165 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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Efficient Convolution Without I/O Delay (Gardner 1995) implementation

I am trying to perform real-time convolution on an audio stream using a fairly large FIR for convolutional reverb. I found a great paper explaining how to do just that: Gardner, 1995. But, I'm new to ...
QuinnF's user avatar
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7 votes
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Filter design to realize Cauchy product

I come from Computer Science so please pardon for my possibly wrong terminology. I need to design a filter which has coefficients $$h_0, h_1, \ldots, h_n, \ldots \quad\text{such that}\quad h_0 > ...
Ngoc Anh Huynh's user avatar
7 votes
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Analytical Expression for Convolution of Two 2D DFTs

I am trying to do an image analysis problem on some images, and I want to calculate some things in the frequency domain which are giving me problems. Say I have an (discrete) image $I(x,y)$ of size $...
A. Kennard's user avatar
5 votes
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Blind 1D equalization/deconvolution with some knowledge of filter kernel

Let $s_{\rm out}[n]$ be the 1D output signal of a system, $s[n]$ be the input, and $k[n,q]$ be the filter kernel for an element $n$ and for fixed value $q$. Then: $s_{\rm out}[n] = s[n] \ast k[n,q]$ ...
Nicholas Kinar's user avatar
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Gradient algorithm for Convolutional Blind Source Separation

I'm trying to implement an algorithm for Convolutional Blind Source Separation (CBSS) based on the ALS algorithm for common BSS on this paper. On this paper, the problem is formulated by (noise ...
Ivo Tebexreni's user avatar
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Eigenvalues of a product of matrices with specific structures

I'm working on a multichannel feedback system with open-loop frequency response $\mathbf{A}(\omega) = \mathbf{B}(\omega)(\mathbf{C}(\omega)-\mathbf{D}(\omega))$. The time-domain convolution matrices ...
gbernardi's user avatar
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Reduce Signal Size to Compare Them

I have multiple experiments and each of them produce several ($k$ for example) binary signals; some artificial example next: I have a metric to compare experiment results but I need vectors of equal ...
Vladislav's user avatar
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log(conv) vs conv(log)

Suppose an arbitrary, strictly positive $x[n]$, transformed as $$ x_l[n] = \log(1 + C x[n]) \tag{0} $$ where $C$ is freely chosen. Given the following, where $h[n]$ is a Gaussian lowpass filter (or ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
3 votes
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Nuclear norm minimization of convolution matrix (circular matrix) with fast Fourier transform

I am reading a paper Recovery of Future Data via Convolution Nuclear Norm Minimization. Here, I know there is a definition for convolution matrix. Given any vector $\boldsymbol{x}=(x_1,x_2,\ldots,x_n)^...
Xinyu Chen's user avatar
3 votes
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Edge artifacts in frequency-domain Moving Average filter

I am currently trying to implement in python an algorithm to identify and filter out one specific periodic EEG artifact -- the grad fMRI artifact -- as described in this paper, and I am incurring in ...
user213575's user avatar
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Understanding convolution of Chirp z algorithm

I dont´t understand how works the convolution part of the Chirp z. I understand how the DFT is transformed \begin{align*} x(k) = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x(n) W_N^{kn} \end{align*} to this expresion: \...
afa245's user avatar
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Convolution of signals sampled on a logarithmic grid

Is there a practical accelerated algorithm or a theoretical discrete (Fourier) transform based method to convolve discrete-time signals sampled on a logarithmic grid? What I mean is representing a ...
Olli Niemitalo's user avatar
3 votes
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Implementing blind deconvolution in MATLAB

I want to implement blind deconvolution for the signal $ r(n) = h(n) \star s(n) + a(n)$ in MATLAB where $r(n)$ is the recorded speech $h(n)$ is impulse response of room acoustics $s(n)$ is desired ...
user21062's user avatar
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Wavelet computation with filter bank - differing results

I'm trying to get a grip on Wavelets. I've read "Wavelets, Their Friends, and What They Can Do for You" which lead me to an implementation of the discrete DWT with filter banks. Basically, I'm using ...
Sebastian's user avatar
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2 votes
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Convolution with Kronecker delta

I know that convolution with delta shifts a signal. As for example, $x \!\left[ n \right] * \delta \!\left[ n - 2 \right] = x \!\left[ n - 2 \right]$. How to do convolution with $x \!\left[ -n \right]$...
Nakib's user avatar
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Signal Processing of Long Term Behavior in Stochastic Systems

I am quite new to techniques of signal processing. I have a fairly generic problem and wish to find information about topics and/or techniques that may help me address this problem. Let $x(t)$ and $y(...
singular's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I find the following convolution sum?

$$ h[n]= \left( \frac{8}{9} \right) ^n u[n-3] $$ And the function is: $$x[n] = \begin{cases} 2 & \text{if } 0 \leq n \leq9, \\ ...
Ahsan Yousaf's user avatar
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Ideal low pass filter with cut-off B does not affect a band-limited baseband signal with maximum frequency B

Let $x(t)$ be a band-limited signal with spectrum (fourier transform) lying between -B and +B. Such a signal is not warped by an ideal low-pass filter with cut-off frequency equal or higher than +B. ...
Kinka-Byo's user avatar
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Frequency Interpolation of DFT to create Zero-Padded IFFT

As a response to this question I have proposed interpolating new samples in a DFT (meaning the frequency samples of an existing DFT result) sufficient to be the new samples that if we were to take the ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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Multiple 1D gaussian filter

Given $$ \begin{cases} &f_0(x)=1 \\ &f_{n+1}(x)= (\varphi*(f\mathbb{I}_{[a_n,b_n]}))(x)=\int_{-\infty}^{+\infty}\varphi(x-t)f_n(t)\mathbb{I}_{[a_n,b_n]}(t)dt = \int_{a_n}^{b_n}\varphi(x-t)f_n(...
NN2's user avatar
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Combining signals in MFCC space

I'm looking at a data augmentation method for training up a neural network of speech data. Currently I have two version of augmentation. The first method works by taking an audio file and mixing in a ...
Goz's user avatar
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Showing that filtering a signal with bandwidth B with a brickwall filter of bandwidth W>B has no effect in time domain

The time-domain representation of $G(f) H(f)$, where $H(f)$ is an ideal brickwall filter of bandwidth $1/(2T)$ is: $$ \int g(\tau) \operatorname{sinc}\left(\frac{t-\tau}{T}\right) d\tau $$ I want to ...
divB's user avatar
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Why does time-domain convolution correspond to frequency-domain multiplication? (visual)

I seek a visual explanation of this. I've already seen the maths, and can derive the proofs - they amount to nill for an intuitive understanding. Any amount of math is welcome, as long as serving to ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Determining the right order of time-domain low pass filter for desired cutoff frequency

I've been stuck on a problem regarding complex demodulation of a signal for a while and wondered if anyone could help. Suppose I have a signal $X(t)$ such that \begin{align} X(t) &= A(t)\cos(\...
R Thompson's user avatar
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DCT and Convolution, [1994, Martucci]

I am really trying to digest this paper, but the more I read it again, the more I realize that I never fully understood it. Basically, I am trying to get an example where I can check the similarities ...
Eduardo Reis's user avatar
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Solving nonlinear Fourier relation

I'm trying to solve the following nonlinear cross-correlation problem for the time-domain signal $f(t)$: $S(\omega) = \overline{\mathcal{F}\left[f(t)\right]} \mathcal{F}\left[f^n(t)\right]$ with $n&...
Novgorod's user avatar
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Gaussian filter convolution giving unexpected results

I am trying to smooth a time series signal with a Gaussian filter and then differentiate the signal (this is for an application for edge detection). A nice property of convolution is: $$ \frac{d}{dx} \...
vibe's user avatar
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discrete fourier transform circular symmetry

I was reading digital signal processing. In topic Discrete Fourier Transform, circular symmetry it is said that circular advance is obtained by shifting x(n) in clockwise direction. i.e. to obtain x(n+...
Bibek Ghimire's user avatar
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maching convolution filters to results

I am practicing for an exam and I need help in the following question (it is just for me- no grade...) we get an input image, 6 convolution filters and 6 results. we need to find the matches between ...
user9's user avatar
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Convolving two complex signals - relationship between phase

Suppose two continuous complex domain signals are convolved, how is the magnitude and phase of the resultant signal related to the magnitudes and phase of the original signals?
Manoj Kumar's user avatar
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Deconvolution of non-stationary, 1-D signal?

I have a time series that has been measured after convolution with a moving average filter. Knowing the parameters of the moving average filter, is it possible to reconstruct/constrain the values of ...
hatmatrix's user avatar
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How do I pick an optimal window size for overlap add/save method algorithmically

Currently I've implemented an overlap-add method using resources on the internet, but I couldn't find a well documented way to minimize the cost of the method. In other words, how do I pick the window ...
Ocelot's user avatar
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How To Calculate Length Of Sequences And A Suitable N?

I have been struggling to understand how to calculate the length of a sequence and also the minimal N to choose in order to avoid aliasing. Most sources tell me to take the (last non-zero value - ...
Sugi's user avatar
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Truncating the output of a digital filter. Which part to discard?

Suppose I have a signal $\mathbf{x}\in \mathbb{C}^{N}$ and a digital filter with impulse response $\mathbf{h}\in\mathbb{C}^L$, where $L<N$. If we pass the signal through the filter, the output will ...
Math_Novice's user avatar
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Determine Noise Level by Convolving N Signals

I using a microphone to determine (air) leakage characteristics. The signals need to be filtered to reduce the noise level and i thought of using the Spectral Subtraction Technique. Since im having 4 ...
Tom's user avatar
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Fusing convolutions

I am attempting to combine two consecutive 2D convolutions into a single 2D convolution. Ideally, a convolution operation is a linear transformation, so it should be possible to merge two linear ...
Federico Fontana's user avatar
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PyWavelets CWT : error when differentiating after convolution?

I'm trying to understand the implementation of CWT in PYWT. This topic has already helped me quite a lot but there is still a thing that is unclear to me : why is the result differentiated only after ...
Tanguy Jonv's user avatar
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Incorrect Power Calculation in MATLAB Convolution

I have been working on a MATLAB code to perform convolution and calculate the power of the resulting signal. However, I have encountered an issue with the power calculation in my code. I am convolving ...
Marcus's user avatar
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Doubt on linear and circular convolution derivation

[I'm very new to this website and to DSP in general as well! :)] Hello everyone! I have a question on the derivation of the circular convolution. As far as I understand, we can define a circular ...
edoverg's user avatar
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3D convolution product with Fourier transforms, FFTW and MPI in C

My question is not really from the field of signal processing but I think you are the most suited for answering my question. I am willing to compute the gravitational potential which can be written as ...
YouShallNotPass's user avatar
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Deconvolution of a ground-penetrating radar signal for further convolution with a desired source signal

I am following the instructions of this paper ( to process a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) signal (a discrete signal sampled at a ...
Luis Fraga's user avatar
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How to perform an analytical computation of the convolution sum for a discrete-time system?

I am trying to follow some notes on "Analytical Computation of the Convolution Sum (Graphical Method)" but am getting stuck on what I am doing, or if what I am doing is correct. There are 5 ...
MeljahU's user avatar
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Combining audio and image filters in matlab

I am trying to write audio and image filtering together code in my project. Purpose: The main aim of this project is to combine audio with image filters; like for example passing low frequencies of an ...
CompA's user avatar
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Convolution of infinite sums

We have $$ \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty}f(n) \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty}g(m) = \sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} \sum_{m=-\infty}^{\infty}g(m) f(n) $$ and $$ \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}f(x) dx \int_{-\infty}^{\infty}g(...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Convolve sinc trains

$$ \begin{align} & \mathrm{sinc}(As + .5)\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} \delta (s - n/A)\ \star \\ & \mathrm{sinc}(Bs + .5)\sum_{n=-\infty}^{\infty} \delta (s - n/B) \end{align} $$ How to compute? ...
OverLordGoldDragon's user avatar
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Labels in speaker verification

I'm a beginner. If I am using a Convolutional Neural Networks with Triplet Loss as a loss function (also combined with GAN and a Classifier) for building a model that performs Speaker Verification, ...
yba's user avatar
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What is the Fourier convolution theorem range of application (example of Dirac comb times rectangular window)?

$\DeclareMathOperator{\sinc}{sinc}$ I have questions regarding the Fourier transform of the product of functions or distributions and the range of application of the convolution theorem. Context When ...
kapytaine's user avatar
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Convolution between a vector and another symmetric vector

Let's have the vector $y = h * x$ where $*$ is the convolution operation, $h$ is the channel with length $N$ and $x$ is a symmetry vector which means $x = [x_M, x_{M-1}, ....,x_0, 0 , x_0, x_1, .... ...
Gze's user avatar
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Prove that the twisted Convolution of $f$ and $g$ lies in $L^2(C^n)$?

Edit,this is the exact phrasing of my question Let $\lambda\in\mathbb{R^n}$.Prove that $f\star_{\lambda}g\in L^2(\mathbb{C^n})$ for all functions $f$ and $g$ in $L^2(\mathbb{C^n})$.What Happens when $...
scroo0ooge's user avatar
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How to update point spread function of blind deconbolution by conjugate gradient?

There is an unblurred image $g$ and a blurred image $x$. Their relationship is expressed by the following formula using $psf$(point spread fucntion, size is $5×5$ kernel). $g = x \otimes psf\tag 1$ ...
Sushi man in Japan's user avatar