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2 answers

PSD of real and imaginary parts of complex envelope of a bandpass signal

I know that we can write a real bandpass signal x(t) as: $x(t)=x_c(t)\cos\omega_ct + x_s(t)\sin\omega_ct$ $x_c(t) = 2x(t)\cos\omega_ct$ for $|f|<W$ $x_s(t) = 2x(t)\sin\omega_ct$ for ...
Ang's user avatar
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Bandpass Stationary Stochastic Process

I was following this interesting post by a new user Rubem Pacelli and got stuck at Proakis' referenced definition (see Section 4-1-4 starting on page 159 here). The math, all repeated further below, ...
Dan Boschen's user avatar
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Signal power after frequency shift with different frequency than the carrier frequency

I have this received signal in passband $$ \begin{split} r(t)=&\Re\left\{\tilde{x}_1(t)e^{j2\pi f_1t}+\tilde{x}_2(t)e^{j2\pi f_2t}\right\}\\ =&\Re\left\{e^{j2\pi f_1t}\underbrace{\left[\tilde{...
Math_Novice's user avatar
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Plotting curved peaks on PSD graph

I am a PhD student with little engineering experience, currently attempting to recreate the signal processing techniques used in this paper: Monitoring Vital Signs and Postures During Sleep Using WiFi ...
Giz's user avatar
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What is the power spectral density after filtering?

Consider a signal $x(t)$, which is input to a pulse shaping filter with transfer function $g_t(t)$: $$x(t) = \sum_n d_n \delta(t-nT_s)$$ with $n$ an index from negative to positive infinity and $...
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How to preprocess such signals?

I am interested in denoising accerelation measurements, recorded in ambient vibration tests. Such tests consist in recording the vibrations of a mechanical structure, say a table for example. So say I ...
anderstood's user avatar
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Apply band pass filter (BPF) before calculating the power of a signal (PSD)?

From my understanding PSD tries to give a good estimation on the power each frequency attributes to the overall signal power. If I am only interested in a frequency range $(\omega_0 \leq \omega \leq ...
Mohammad's user avatar
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Signal power without FFT

I have an EEG signal thats about 1second long, sampling frequency of 256Hz, measured in microvolts, and I want to calculate the power of a specific frequency band (8-12Hz) I believe the correct way ...
Simon's user avatar
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Segmenting a frequency series: do we need band-pass filtering?

I am trying to implement what's called the "second spectrum". Basically, you do this: Take a time series of length $N$. Divide it into $m$ segment, each of length $N'=N/m$. For each segment $m$, do a ...
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