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How can I calculate how much of my signal at the beginning and end will be affected by the filtering process?

I'm using a Butterworth bandpass filter to process my signal (low-pass + high-pass, I am also applying a notch filter). I would like to calculate how much of my signal at the edges will be affected by ...
moray_'s user avatar
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Calculating the filter coefficients for 2nd order bandpass and bandstop Butterworth filter

I want to calculate the filter coefficients for both bandpass and bandstop filter for 2nd order Butterworth filter, like ...
Devil_____03's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

SOS-matrices' order does not correspond to given parameter when designing bandpass with scipy.signal.butter

I do not understand why this scipy operation: ...
jake_asks_short_questions's user avatar
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Theory behind the matlab butter function with the parameters n and [Wl, Wh]

I am writing the theoretical background in my thesis but my thesis is more centered on deep learning and the signals that I am using for classification were filtered through the ...
theEarlyRiser's user avatar
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BPF Filtering with DSP IIR Realtime C++ filter library

I am working with complex samples, I have a main signal at 630KHz, my Fs is 1.26MHz and BW is 12.6KHz. If I plot a frequency-magntitude spectrum it looks like this: As you can see along with my main ...
yarin Cohen's user avatar
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Paper replication: Validating the proper way to pass .wav audio breathing data through a bandpass filter

I am working on trying to apply a low and high pass filter to an audio file that contains a set of exhalations over a microphone. The inhalations have been cut out of the file, and the exhalations are ...
Kabir Jolly's user avatar
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Butterworth filter of the acceleration and drifting displacement problem

I am only mechanic engineering and I need to filter my acceleration from MEMS mobile phone which has a noise and drifts. Here is my data. Acceleration vs time from an app mobile phone ...
L. Flis's user avatar
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Lowpass Butterworth filter equation

I am using a 5th order lowpass Butterworth filter with a varying cutoff frequency, $f_c$, to smoothen some data coming from a spectrometer. An example of a spectrum, plotted with the filtered data, ...
Sara's user avatar
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Large spike at beginning of signal after applying Bandpass filter

Foreword: I am a PhD student and fairly unexperienced with many signal processing and engineering concepts, please be gentle. I am attempting to filter out a frequency range of 1Hz to 2Hz from a 2....
Giz's user avatar
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Plotting curved peaks on PSD graph

I am a PhD student with little engineering experience, currently attempting to recreate the signal processing techniques used in this paper: Monitoring Vital Signs and Postures During Sleep Using WiFi ...
Giz's user avatar
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what is the theory behind Butter function?

I want to understand why this code used tan and cos ? ...
iman hassoon's user avatar
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Bandpass filter with very high sampling rate

Consider a bandpass filter with Low Cut 17Hz, High Cut 22 Hz, Fs = 45000 Hz and Order = 6. When I pass a mixture of multiple sinusoidal waves through this filter (with a sine wave of frequency 20 Hz), ...
Deepak's user avatar
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"Side Lobes" When Using a Butterworth filter

So I am attempting to filter a signal containing frequencies at 7Hz, 11Hz, and 74Hz. The signal lasts for 30s and looks like this between -1s and 1s: Using a butterworth filter of order 2 with lowcut=...
Luke Polson's user avatar
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Bandpass butterworth filter in python is not working

I've implemented this bandpass filter in matlab for the audio signals and it's working as expected. Now, I tried to implement the same thing in Python but it doesn't produced expected results, it just ...
Ali Nisar Haider's user avatar
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Audio signal series' beginning points (about 50) distort after a bandpass filter

I am using some bandpass filters to detect a certain frequency of the sampled audio series in noisy environment. Everything is OK except this: I found that for many bandpass filters I tried(...
WSL's user avatar
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