I would like to take the derivative of an audio signal, which as I understand creates a 6 dB/oct upward sloping filter as per this thread: What phase rotation occurs when you take the derivative of an audio signal?
Simple Fourier Transform propery for differentiation is $$\mathscr{F}\Big\{\frac{\partial}{\partial t}x(t)\Big\}=j\omega \cdot\mathscr{F}\Big\{x(t)\Big\}$$ Differentiation in time corresponds to multiplication with $j\omega$ in frequency. Hence the +6dB/octave slope. The phase shift is a constant 90 degrees for all frequencies.
However, if you want the amplitude to be matched before/after this process at a given frequency, eg. 80 Hz say, how can one do so?
ie. How does one calculate the gain multiplier value to equalize the amplitude at a given frequency from before/after such differentiation?