I'm trying to implement Pisarenko's Harmonic decomposition in Python and can't get a proper pseudo spectrum revealing the three frequencies of the signal I'm analysing. I tried a few things (using np.cov
instead of the manual autocorrelation computed with a matrices product, transpose without conjugate, checking every array dimension) without spotting the remaining mistake(s). My script, which computes the pseudo-spectrum for each individual eigenvector instead of considering only eigvecs[:, np.argmin(np.abs(eigvals))]
import scipy
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
freq_sampl = 1e6
freqs = np.array([freq_sampl/10, freq_sampl/5, freq_sampl/4])
hyp_nbr_freqs = 3
sampl_time = 0.001
t = np.arange(0, sampl_time, step=1/freq_sampl)
sigs = np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*freqs[0]*t)
sigs += np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*freqs[1]*t)
sigs += np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*freqs[2]*t)
noise_std = 0.1
noise = (np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=noise_std, size=sigs.shape) +
1j*np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=noise_std, size=sigs.shape))
sigs += noise
ax1 = plt.subplot(411)
plt.title("Noisy signal in time domain")
sigsfft = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fft(sigs))
sigsfftfreq = np.fft.fftshift(np.fft.fftfreq(sigs.shape[0], d=1/freq_sampl))
ax2 = plt.subplot(412)
plt.plot(sigsfftfreq/freq_sampl, np.abs(sigsfft))
plt.title("Noisy signal in Fourier domain")
nbr_sampls = sigs.shape[0]
ar_order = hyp_nbr_freqs + 1 # determines dimensions of autocorr matrix used for eigendecomposition
# accumulate shifted ar_order-sized vectors of successive samples
sampl_matrix = sigs[0:ar_order][np.newaxis, :]
for start_idx in range(1,nbr_sampls-ar_order):
sampl_matrix = np.concatenate((sampl_matrix, sigs[start_idx:start_idx+ar_order][np.newaxis, :]))
autocor = np.matmul(np.transpose(np.conjugate(sampl_matrix)), sampl_matrix) / start_idx
eigvals, eigvecs = scipy.linalg.eigh(autocor)
freqs = np.array([idx * freq_sampl/1000 for idx in range(500)]) # list of freq to evaluate pseudo spectrum at
def steervec_func(freqs, ar_order):
ar_order = np.arange(ar_order)
return np.exp(1j*2*np.pi*freqs[:,np.newaxis]*ar_order[np.newaxis,:])
steervec = steervec_func(freqs, ar_order)
for eig_idx in range(eigvals.shape[0]):
eig_vec = eigvecs[:, eig_idx] # plotting all of them instead of just np.argmin(np.abs(eigvals)) eig vector
pseudo_spect = np.squeeze(np.matmul(np.conjugate(steervec), eig_vec[:,np.newaxis]))
ax3 = plt.subplot(413)
plt.plot(freqs / freq_sampl, 1/np.abs(np.squeeze(pseudo_spect))**2)
plt.title("Pseudo-spectrums (steervec * eigvec)")
# use FFT of zero-padded eigvec for alternative proposed by Baddioes
zpad_eigvec = np.pad(eig_vec, pad_width=(0, pseudo_spect.shape[0] - eig_vec.shape[0]))
pseudo_spect_fft = np.fft.fft(zpad_eigvec)
pseudo_spect_fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(zpad_eigvec.shape[0], 1/freq_sampl)
ax4 = plt.subplot(414)
plt.plot(pseudo_spect_fft_freqs, 1/(np.abs(pseudo_spect_fft) ** 2))
plt.title("Pseudo-spectrums (FFT padded eigvec)")
This returns "flat" pseudo spectrums for each eigenvector when I rely on np.matmul(np.conjugate(steervec), eig_vec[:,np.newaxis])
; one of the latter (the one corresponding to the min. eigenvalue, i.e. eigvecs[:, np.argmin(np.abs(eigvals))]
) should however reveal the three individual sine waves within the signal:
This implementation should be equivalent to what was proposed in this dsp.SE answer and corresponds to this other dsp.SE answer. I was also a bit surprised to see a "weird" formula ( Rss2 + sqrt(Rss2.^2 + 8*Rss1.^2) )
associated with the same method in Peter K.'s answer but I didn't investigate much in that direction, assuming the wikipedia pseudo-spectrum equation should work:
$$ Pseudo-spectrum(\omega) = f(2*\pi*f) = \frac{1}{|e^H(\omega) v_{min}|^2} $$
EDIT: -------
As Baddioes said in his answer:
The reason that Pisarenko's method works is that the assumption is the covariance matrix has dimensionality one greater than the signal subspace, so that the entire noise subspace is contained in one eigenvalue.
so I want to emphasize we have here 3 sine waves in sigs
and a 4x4 autocorrelation matrix autocor
due to ar_order = hyp_nbr_freqs + 1
, hence the 4 pseudo-spectrums on the last plot, one of which being expected to reveal the 3 frequencies since one eigenvector is expected to represent the noise subspace.
EDIT 2: -------
Added a second set of pseudo spectrums (last graph on updated image), one per eigvec, this time computed with Baddioes' suggestion i.e. the FFT of the zero-padded (right-side) eigvec:
# use FFT of zero-padded eigvec for alternative proposed by Baddioes
zpad_eigvec = np.pad(eig_vec, pad_width=(0, pseudo_spect.shape[0] - eig_vec.shape[0]))
pseudo_spect_fft = np.fft.fft(zpad_eigvec)
pseudo_spect_fft_freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(zpad_eigvec.shape[0], 1/freq_sampl)
This produces three correctly spaced peaks though I must say I'm not sure I fully understand why this kinda works (for right-side zero-padding only ?) and why my peaks aren't located at the correct frequencies (missed a conjugate / fftshift somewhere perhaps ?).
EDIT 3: -------
Modified the last graph on the updated image with the $VV^H \rightarrow V^* V^T$ change to get the proper peaks location, which is what Baddioes suggested. This translates to the following change in my script:
autocor = np.matmul(np.transpose(np.conjugate(sampl_matrix)), sampl_matrix) / start_idx
autocor = np.matmul(np.transpose(sampl_matrix), np.conjugate(sampl_matrix)) / start_idx
In light of another post (cf. "non-overlapping"), I also removed the overlap in the signal slices used to compute the autocorrelation matrix:
sampl_matrix_no_overlap = sigs[0:ar_order][np.newaxis, :]
for start_idx in range(ar_order, nbr_sampls-ar_order, ar_order):
sampl_matrix_no_overlap = np.concatenate((sampl_matrix, sigs[start_idx:start_idx+ar_order][np.newaxis, :]))
but this did not change anything in the pseudo-spectrums apparently (? is this actually necessary ? added a comment on the other post but no luck yet).
I also realized the "weird" formula ( Rss2 + sqrt(Rss2.^2 + 8*Rss1.^2) )
associated with the same method in Peter K.'s answer corresponds to the specific "Pisarenko for single tone signal" case, as described in the An exact analysis of Pisarenko's single-tone frequency estimation algorithm paper. So this point was actually off-topic here.
As the peaks have been found, although not directly with the product I initally wanted to use np.matmul(np.conjugate(steervec), eig_vec[:,np.newaxis])
, I'll accept @Baddioes' already very detailed answer and open a new question as suggested to understand how the FFT of the noise zero-padded eigenvector leads to the expected peaks and is equivalent to the initial approach. If someone spots the exact mistake in my product I'm still interested in a comment though !
part at the end of my question. $\endgroup$