
I am currently trying to create an Android noise measurement app. I have found that the microphone built into the phone is a digital MEMS microphone and I am having trouble converting the digital data collected by the microphone to sound pressure (Pa).

My question is:

How do I convert digital data from a digital mems microphone to Pa?


2 Answers 2


You can't. At least not without a phone-specific calibration procedure. Android has too many variables: pre-amps, microphone transfer function & packaging, low lever driver, "enhancements", OS version, etc.. Sometimes the calibration even depends on the carrier.

It is easy enough to calibrate for a specific phone (model, settings, OS version, carrier, etc.), but that calibration can easily be off by 10dB or 15 dB for the next phone.


If nothing @hilmar mentioned in his answer mattered, then, theoretically,

You’d need to get your hands on:

  • The microphone’s specs (in particular, the sensitivity).
  • The ADC specs.

Then the steps would be:

  1. Find the sensitivity $S_{V/Pa}$. If the sensitivity is given in dBFS, $S_{V/Pa} = 10^{S_{dBFS}/20}$
  2. Convert the digital output $D$ to Volts: for an ADC with $N$ bits and a reference voltage $V_{ref}$: $$V_{out} = \left(\frac{D}{2^N}\right)\times V_{ref}$$
  3. Use this with the sensitivity to convert to pascals: $$Pa = \frac{V_{out}}{S_{V/Pa}}$$

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