I have time-series data with a sampling rate of 1 Hz, hence the Nyquist frequency is 0.5 Hz.
I am interested in the frequency band 0.01-0.1 Hz and I would like to apply a Periodogram to transform the time- into the frequency-domain to obtain the power spectrum of the data. Subsequently, I would cut the frequency band at both ends to 0.01 and 0.1 Hz, respectively
Question: I understand that a bandpass filter (or at least a low-pass filter) would be required to avoid aliasing when further processing the data in the time-domain. But what about computations in the frequncy-domain within the frequency band 0.01-0.1 Hz (that is way below the Nyquist frequency of 0.5 Hz)? Is it still recommend to bandpass (or low-pass) the time-series before applying a Periodogram, and if so why would it be recommended? Or would a bandpass filter be superfluous or possibly even detrimental to further computations in the frequency-domain, given the Nyquist frequency and my frequency band of interest?
More specifically, I am interested in computing the least-square linear regression (slope) of the log-log transformed frequency-domain (power spectrum). Based on my testing, the slope can slightly change depending on the chosen bandpass filter (such as Butterworth vs. Chebyshev filter) and its parameters, and the slope can further slightly change when comparing bandpassing vs. no bandpassing. This is not surprising, as I understand the differences between both filters. My question is just about the usage of a bandpass filter (that is maybe superfluous) in my specific case.