As I started researching FMCW radar signals, I discovered a popular reference code for FMCW simulation in Github. One of the most important things that I still don't understand is the parameters Number of Chirps: Nd=128. The code shows that the instantaneous frequency of transmitted FMCW signal still increases after the first Tchirp until it finishes all 128 Tchirp periods. This is very different from what is defined in the theory for the working principles of FMCW radar as in the following figure. The question is that do we need to retransmit signals with the instantaneous frequency raising from Fc in next time chirp periods over a whole time frame or we can just transmit one continuous signal over the hold time frame. Subsequently, what are the differences in the results for the estimation for Range and Doppler for these two generation methods? Thank you!
clear all
%pkg load control % octave packages
%pkg load signal
%% Radar Specifications
% Frequency of operation = 77GHz
% Max Range = 200m
% Range Resolution = 1 m
% Max Velocity = 100 m/s
c = 3e8
%% User Defined Range and Velocity of target
% *%TODO* :
% define the target's initial position and velocity. Note : Velocity
% remains contant
range = 110
vel = -20
max_range = 200
range_res = 1
max_vel = 100 % m/s
%% FMCW Waveform Generation
% *%TODO* :
%Design the FMCW waveform by giving the specs of each of its parameters.
% Calculate the Bandwidth (B), Chirp Time (Tchirp) and Slope (slope) of the FMCW
% chirp using the requirements above.
B = c / (2*range_res)
Tchirp = 5.5 * 2 * (max_range/c)
slope = B/Tchirp
%Operating carrier frequency of Radar
fc= 77e9; %carrier freq
%The number of chirps in one sequence. Its ideal to have 2^ value for the ease of running the FFT
%for Doppler Estimation.
Nd=128; % #of doppler cells OR #of sent periods % number of chirps
%The number of samples on each chirp.
Nr=1024; %for length of time OR # of range cells
% Timestamp for running the displacement scenario for every sample on each
% chirp
t=linspace(0,Nd*Tchirp,Nr*Nd); %total time for samples
%Creating the vectors for Tx, Rx and Mix based on the total samples input.
Tx=zeros(1,length(t)); %transmitted signal
Rx=zeros(1,length(t)); %received signal
Mix = zeros(1,length(t)); %beat signal
%Similar vectors for range_covered and time delay.
%% Signal generation and Moving Target simulation
% Running the radar scenario over the time.
for i=1:length(t)
% *%TODO*
%For each time stamp update the Range of the Target for constant velocity.
r_t(i) = range + (vel*t(i));
td(i) = (2 * r_t(i)) / c;
% *%TODO* :
%For each time sample we need update the transmitted and
%received signal.
Tx(i) = cos(2*pi*(fc*t(i) + (slope*t(i)^2)/2 ) );
Rx(i) = cos(2*pi*(fc*(t(i) -td(i)) + (slope * (t(i)-td(i))^2)/2 ) );
% *%TODO* :
%Now by mixing the Transmit and Receive generate the beat signal
%This is done by element wise matrix multiplication of Transmit and
%Receiver Signal
Mix(i) = Tx(i) .* Rx(i);
% *%TODO* :
%reshape the vector into Nr*Nd array. Nr and Nd here would also define the size of
%Range and Doppler FFT respectively.
Mix = reshape(Mix, [Nr, Nd]);
% *%TODO* :
%run the FFT on the beat signal along the range bins dimension (Nr) and
signal_fft = fft(Mix, Nr);
% *%TODO* :
% Take the absolute value of FFT output
signal_fft = abs(signal_fft);
signal_fft = signal_fft ./ max(signal_fft); % Normalize
% *%TODO* :
% Output of FFT is double sided signal, but we are interested in only one side of the spectrum.
% Hence we throw out half of the samples.
signal_fft = signal_fft(1 : Nr/2-1);
%plotting the range
figure ('Name','Range from First FFT')
% *%TODO* :
% plot FFT output
axis ([0 180 0 1]);
title('Range from First FFT');
ylabel('Amplitude (Normalized)');
xlabel('Range [m]');
axis ([0 200 0 1]);
% The 2D FFT implementation is already provided here. This will run a 2DFFT
% on the mixed signal (beat signal) output and generate a range doppler
% map.You will implement CFAR on the generated RDM
% Range Doppler Map Generation.
% The output of the 2D FFT is an image that has reponse in the range and
% doppler FFT bins. So, it is important to convert the axis from bin sizes
% to range and doppler based on their Max values.
% 2D FFT using the FFT size for both dimensions.
signal_fft2 = fft2(Mix,Nr,Nd);
% Taking just one side of signal from Range dimension.
signal_fft2 = signal_fft2(1:Nr/2,1:Nd);
signal_fft2 = fftshift (signal_fft2);
RDM = abs(signal_fft2);
RDM = 10*log10(RDM) ;
%use the surf function to plot the output of 2DFFT and to show axis in both
doppler_axis = linspace(-100,100,Nd);
range_axis = linspace(-200,200,Nr/2)*((Nr/2)/400);
title('Amplitude and Range From FFT2');