I am building a second order modified biquad filter based on an implementation by Will Pirkle in "designing audio effect plugins in c++". However when I look at my implementation's frequency response, things look off: e.g., a +6 dB gain results in more boost than +12 dB. I am basically implementing what I see in the block diagram and design equations from the book:
My filter looks like this:
import numpy as np
FS = 44100
def first_order_low_shelf(sig, fc, gain, coeffs_only=False):
y = [0,0]
x = sig
# design equations
theta_c = (2.*np.pi*fc)/FS
mu = 10.**(gain/20.)
beta = 4./(1.+mu)
delta = beta*np.tan(theta_c/2.)
gamma = (1-delta)/(1+delta)
a0 = (1-gamma)/2
a1 = a0
a2 = 0.
b1 = -1*gamma
b2 = 0.
c0 = mu - 1.
d0 = 1.
if coeffs_only:
numerator = [c0*a0+d0, c0*a1, c0*a2]
denominator = [1, c0*b1, c0*b2]
return numerator, denominator
for i in range(2, len(sig)):
#difference equation
yn = c0*(a0*x[i] + a1*x[i-1] + a2*x[i-2] - b1*y[i-1] - b2*y[i-2]) + d0*x[i]
return y
I am looking at the frequency response for a fixed corner frequency, over gains between [-12,12] using scipy.signal.freqz
, which uses the transfer function coefficients as input:
from scipy.signal import freqz
fc = 400
for db in [-12,-6,-3,3,6,12]:
nums, denoms = first_order_low_shelf(None, fc, db, True)
f, h = freqz(nums, denoms)
gain = 20 * np.log10(abs(h))
plt.semilogx(f*FS/(2*np.pi), gain, label=db)
plt.xlabel('freqency (Hz)')
plt.ylabel('gain (db)')
The numerator
and denominator
arrays in first_order_low_shelf
reflect those of the transfer function but I can't see why I'm getting such bizarre frequency responses.