I've sampled a propagating wave so that I know its amplitude at several equidistant points on a line, and at several points in time. That is, I have this discrete function:
Now, I want to find the frequency of the wave. But there seems to be two frequencies I can calculate: by finding the FFT at different points in time (e.g. FFT{f[1,x]} ) and at different points in space (e.g. FFT{f[t,1]}).
Only the latter ("temporal frequency") gives me a main frequency in Hz. The other one gives one in 1/m, but I suppose that if I knew the wave propagation speed in m/s, I could convert one to the other. Is this true?
All of the above I've just reasoned through myself. Could someone point me to a source where I could read about the two different types of frequency?
Edit: I'll add that the time-space relation is "normal", i.e. the wave propagates like $g(kx-\omega t)$. Hope I'm not being too unclear. I realise that I'm lacking the terminology needed to explain what I mean.
Edit 2: It might be important to know that $f$ is a pulse that is localised in time and space.
Edit 3: I'll put this question here too: Is there a way to take advantage of all the sample points (a 2D matrix) to estimate the central frequency, assuming I know the wave speed?