After taking the convolution of two discrete sine waves of the same frequency and length the result appears to be a sinc function but I was expecting to get a sine wave since this should be the same as multiplying two impulses in the frequency domain right? There is a similar question posted here -> What is convolution of two sine waves (tones)? but the answers there suggest that the result should have been a sine wave since both have the same frequency and length. But that doesn't seem to be the case when I actually perform the operation. Can anyone help me understand why this isn't acting as a simple low pass filter allowing the 2nd sine function through unchanged?
MATLAB steps
t = 0:20
x1 = sin((2 * pi * t) / 21)
x2 = 100*sin((2 * pi * t) / 21)
y = conv(x1,x2)
. What do you see? $\endgroup$