For computing the Harris corner detector, I want to calculate $I_{xy}$ and $I_{xy}$. Obtaining $I_x$ and $I_y$ are clear for me. But what about the second order derivatives?
This and this and this one posts say I have to do convolution operation twice:
$$ \frac{\partial^2}{\partial x \partial y} f = \frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left( \frac{\partial}{\partial y} f \right) = k_x \ast \left( k_y \ast f \right) = \left( k_x \ast k_y \right) \ast f $$
But here and also here, I saw it can be done by element-wise operations:
Ixx = np.multiply(Ix, Ix)
Iyy = np.multiply(Iy, Iy)
Ixy = np.multiply(Ix, Iy)
Which one is correct for doing Harris corner detector?