Supposing that there are $N$ particles distributed inside a periodic cubic box of volume $V=L^3$, I want to divide the cube into a regular mesh and calculate the following summation at each grid point $r_i$,
$$z_i = \sum\limits_{j=0}^N K\left(\left\| r_i-r_j \right\|\right)y_j$$
where $r_j$ is the position vector of the $j$-th particle of mass $y_j$, and $K(r)$ is one isotropic kernel function.
However, I really don't know how to incorporate periodic boundary conditions into the kernel summation over these unstructured data points. Is there any method or algorithm to solve this issue?
around your in-line LaTeX. (see my edit to your question!) Next time, this is easy for you to do yourself :) $\endgroup$