Let N be an even integer, and $x[n]$ be a finite length signal over the interval $n\in [0,N-1]$; let $X[k]$ be the N-pt DFT of $x[n]$.
Analytically find the DFT of each sequence below in terms of $X[k]$. (The DFT size is N unless specified otherwise):
a) $x_1[n] = x[N-1-n]$
b) $x_2[n] = (-1)^n\cdot x[n]$
For part a) I know that the DFT of a reversed sequence is as follows:
$$D\{f_{-n}\}_k = D\{f_{n}\}_{-k} = F_{-k}$$
where $F_{-k}$ is the sequence of DFT coefficients. However, I do no know how to combine it with the shifting by $N-1$.
And for part b) I know that $e^{-j\pi n} = (-1)^n$ but I don't know how I can convert it to a from where I can use the circular shift in frequency property:
$$W_N^{-k_0n}x_n \xrightarrow{DFT_N} X_{(k-k_0){\text{mod } N}}$$
where $W_N^{-k_0n} = e^{j\frac{2\pi}{N}k_0n}$.
Perhaps, by taking $-\frac{2\pi}{N}k_0 = \pi$, I can bring it to a similar form but how can I showcase the $\text{mod } N$ operation?