FIR filters: is it possible to manipulate phase without change in magnitude response
Technically speaking: "not really". A filter whose transfer function has unity magnitude for all frequency is called an allpass. It can be shown that for any allpass the zeros must be inverse of the poles.
Since an FIR filter has all it's poles at $z= 0$ an FIR allpass would have to have all it's zeros at $z = \infty$ which is equivalent (roughly speaking) to have no zeros at all. The only transfer functions that can be created this away are
$$H(z) = \frac{1}{z^n}$$
which turns out to be an n-sample delay. So any FIR allpass would need to be a linear (or zero) phase delay. That's not what you have here.
It's hard to tell what's going in your picture. It would help if the phase could be unwrapped but this doesn't look like the transfer function of an actual filter. The magnitude is ruler flat which points towards allpass filter, BUT the phase of an allpass filter has some serious constraints: it is monotonically decreasing, and the phase is 0 at DC and $-N\cdot \pi$ at Nyquist where N is the filter order. That's not what you have here either.
It's possible that something non-flat happens below 20 Hz and 20 kHz but that would result in some sort of magnitude ripple in the pass band. You can always force a specific transfer function on an FFT grid and do an inverse FFT, but that typically results in a "strange" impulse response and it would be flat in the pass band. It only looks this way if you apply the same FFT that you used to design it.