This is my first ever question here so the help is really appreciated.
I am performing FFT on a signal. I want to perform windowing, 50% overlapping and averaging to the signal. There is a function scipy.signal.welch
to perform this automatically but the output is in power spectral density. I want the output in magnitude and phase shift both, but from power spectral density only magnitude is achievable. Is there a way to compute phase shift from power spectral density or a simple way to do this analysis in the form of FFT rather than in power spectral density?
I know how to apply windowing in python but I do not know how to do overlapping and averaging manually.
Below is my code:
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft, fftshift, fftfreq
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy import signal
import scipy.fft
data = pd.read_csv('lucid_1p34g_1024fps_5mins.csv')
ref = data.loc[:,"Input 0"]
sensor1x = data.loc[:,"Input 1"]
sensor1y = data.loc[:,"Input 2"]
sensor1z = data.loc[:,"Input 3"]
fs = 1024
blockSize = 1024
f, Pxx = signal.welch(sensor1z, 1024, window='hann', nperseg=blockSize,
plt.plot(f, Pxx) # power spectral density plot
"""Manual Calculation"""
N = len(sensor1z)
n = np.arange(N)
T = N/fs
freq = n/T
window = np.hanning(N)
f1z = fft(sensor1z) #fft transform of input 3
plt.plot(freq, np.abs(f1z))