Lately, I've been doing some FIR-filter simulations as a part of a programmatic circuit design course. One task was to use different constants $b_i$ for the multiplying stage of the filter and see how the response of the filter changes.
The filter was a 2nd order FIR-filter. First, we used the constants [1,1]
for the multipliers. This created a low-pass filter. Then, we used the constants [1,-1]
. This created a high-pass filter.
After this, we had to show why this is the case for these constants. We were given the hint that we can divide the input signal into a sum of a low- and a high-frequency component: $$x(n)=x_{low}(n)+x_{high}(n) $$ We were also given the following assumptions:$$x_{low}(n)≈x_{low}(n-1)\\ x_{high}(n)≈-x_{high}(n-1)$$
By looking at the picture, I calculated the expressions for the signals after each flipflop. After the first flipflop, the signal is: $$x_{1} =x_{low}(n-1)+x_{high}(n-1) = x_{low}(n) - x_{high}(n) $$ After the second flipflop: $$x_{2} = x_{low}(n-1)-x_{high}(n-1) = x_{low}(n)+x_{high}(n) $$
For the low-pass filter we, therefore, get the output: $$y_{low-pass}=1*x_{1}+1*x_{2}=2x_{low}$$ And for the high-pass filter: $$y_{high-pass}=1*x_{1}+(-1)*x_{2}=-2x_{high}$$
Why is the output of the high-pass filter negative? Does this mean the filter inverts the high-frequency components of the input?