The simplest approach is to do some kind of spline interpolation like Jim Clay suggests (linear or otherwise). However, if you have the luxury of batch processing, and especially if you have an overdetermined set of nonuniform samples, there's a "perfect reconstruction" algorithm that's extremely elegant. For numerical reasons, it may not be practical in all cases, but it's at least worth knowing about conceptually. I first read about it in this paper.
The trick is to consider your set of nonuniform samples as having already been reconstructed from uniform samples through sinc interpolation. Following the notation in the paper:
y(t) = \sum_{k=1}^{N}{y(kT)\frac{\sin(\pi(t - kT)/T)}{\pi(t - kT)/T}} = \sum_{k=1}^{N}{y(kT)\mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t - kT}{T})}.
Note that this provides a set of linear equations, one for each nonuniform sample $y(t)$, where the unknowns are the equally-spaced samples $y(kT)$, like so:
\begin{bmatrix} y(t_0) \\ y(t_1) \\ \cdots \\ y(t_m) \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_0 - T}{T}) & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_0 - 2T}{T}) & \cdots & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_0 - nT}{T}) \\ \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_1 - T}{T}) & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_1 - 2T}{T}) & \cdots & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_1 - nT}{T}) \\ \cdots & \cdots & \cdots &\cdots \\ \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_m - T}{T}) & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_m - 2T}{T}) & \cdots & \mathrm{sinc}(\frac{t_m - nT}{T}) \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} y(T) \\ y(2T) \\ \cdots \\ y(nT) \end{bmatrix}.
In the above equation, $n$ is the number of unknown uniform samples, $T$ is the inverse of the uniform sample rate, and $m$ is the number of nonuniform samples (which may be greater than $n$). By computing the least squares solution of that system, the uniform samples can be reconstructed. Technically, only $n$ nonuniform samples are necessary, but depending on how "scattered" they are in time, the interpolation matrix may be horribly ill-conditioned. When that's the case, using more nonuniform samples usually helps.
As a toy example, here's a comparison (using numpy) between the above method and cubic spline interpolation on a mildly jittered grid:
(Code to reproduce the above plot is included at the end of this answer)
All that being said, for high-quality, robust methods, starting with something in one of the following papers would probably be more appropriate:
A. Aldroubi and Karlheinz Grochenig, Nonuniform sampling and
reconstruction in shift-invariant spaces, SIAM Rev., 2001, no. 4,
585-620. (pdf link).
K. Grochenig and H. Schwab, Fast local reconstruction methods for
nonuniform sampling in shift-invariant spaces, SIAM J. Matrix Anal.
Appl., 24(2003), 899-
import numpy as np
import pylab as py
import scipy.interpolate as spi
import numpy.random as npr
import numpy.linalg as npl
class Signal(object):
def __init__(self, x, y):
self.x = x
self.y = y
def plot(self, title):
py.plot(self.x, self.y ,'bo-')
py.plot(hires.x,hires.y, 'k-', alpha=.5)
def _plot(self, title):
def sinc_resample(self, xnew):
m,n = (len(self.x), len(xnew))
T = 1./n
A = np.zeros((m,n))
for i in range(0,m):
A[i,:] = np.sinc((self.x[i] - xnew)/T)
return Signal(xnew, npl.lstsq(A,self.y)[0])
def spline_resample(self, xnew):
s = spi.splrep(self.x, self.y)
return Signal(xnew, spi.splev(xnew, s))
class Error(Signal):
def __init__(self, a, b):
self.x = a.x
self.y = np.abs(a.y - b.y)
def plot(self, title):
py.plot(self.x, self.y, 'bo-')
def grid(n): return np.linspace(0.0,1.0,n)
def sample(f, x): return Signal(x, f(x))
def random_offsets(n, amt=.5):
return (amt/n) * (npr.random(n) - .5)
def jittered_grid(n, amt=.5):
return np.sort(grid(n) + random_offsets(n,amt))
def f(x):
t = np.pi * 2.0 * x
return np.sin(t) + .5 * np.sin(14.0*t)
n = 30
m = n + 1
# Signals
even = sample(f, np.r_[1:n+1] / float(n))
uneven = sample(f, jittered_grid(m))
hires = sample(f, grid(10*n))
sinc = uneven.sinc_resample(even.x)
spline = uneven.spline_resample(even.x)
sinc_err = Error(sinc, even)
spline_err = Error(spline, even)
# Plot Labels
sn = lambda x,n: "%sly Sampled (%s points)" % (x,n)
r = lambda x: "%s Reconstruction" % x
re = lambda x: "%s Error" % r(x)
plots = [
[even, sn("Even", n)],
[uneven, sn("Uneven", m)],
[sinc, r("Sinc")],
[sinc_err, re("Sinc")],
[spline, r("Cubic Spline")],
[spline_err, re("Cubic Spline")]
for i in range(0,len(plots)):
py.subplot(3, 2, i+1)
p = plots[i]