
I'm trying to segment a specific part in a gray-scale image and I want to achieve this by applying the OSTU algorithm, but after using this function:

im = imread('ready.jpg');
oim =otsu(im,10);
figure,imshow(oim, [1 10]);

I could show the output image, but I do not know how can I save the result to be able to use it later as a mask.


1 Answer 1


I am sorry that I cannot see where your problem is. What do you mean by "how can I save the result?" If you want to use $oim$ in matlab, then it is already there. If you are interested in extracting one specific class, you can simply get the corresponding $n$th mask by calling $mask=(oim==n)$, which returns a binary mask with only the pixel belonging to the $n$th class marked as 1s.

If you are going to save the classification result outside of matlab, for example a tif image, simply use imwrite function in matlab. Late you can read it via imread function.

  • $\begingroup$ thank you very much for answer,Actually I solved the problem by convert the result from matrix to grayimage,So I could save it normally oim2 =mat2gray(oim); $\endgroup$
    – Fooz
    Apr 1, 2013 at 16:05

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