Consider a wireless communication system having $t$ transmitting antennas and $r$ receiving antennas. Then, the received signal is given by
$y = \mathbb{H}x+n \tag{1}$
where $\mathbb{H}$ is a $r \times t$ complex matrix, $x$ is a transmitted vector such that $x \in \mathcal{C}^t$, $y$ is a received vector such that $y \in \mathcal{C}^r$ and $n$ is a zero-mean complex Gaussian noise with independent, equal variance real and imaginary parts.
My question is that in many papers, it is written that $E[nn^{\dagger}] = I_r$, where $I$ is identity matrix. I am not getting clearly where this identity matrix is coming from.
Any help in this regard will be highly appreciated.