Given an image that contains an NxM grid of icons with text below them, somewhat like this:
I'm wondering how to split it up into the individual icons with text. Some wrinkles:
- The image won't always be the same size (nor will the icons); it might show 18 icons as 6x3, or 16 icons as 4x4, etc.
- The window might be scrolled, such that the top and/or bottom row of icons are "chopped off" in the image (I can keep or discard the incomplete ones, whatever's easiest).
- The background behind the icons isn't white. It's a complicated pattern with gradients that aren't purely horizontal or vertical, and where there are some discontinuities—so it's not as easy as "find a horizontal line where all the pixels are the same color value" or "where each color value is consistently
from the previous one". But the icons are in very vibrant colors, and the background is pretty subdued; I'm hoping that might be detectable?
Essentially what I need is a generalized way to detect the "space" between the rows and columns of icons, and know what position to "cut" right in the middle of that space, like I was using a paper cutter.
I have to automate this by programming, so I'm less interested in an already-existing software tool that can do it, and more interested in how to approach the problem (what strategies/algorithms would help solve it). I know so little about this area that I'm not even sure what this problem is called. :) Thanks!