I was trying to solve the following question:
- Calculate the DFT of the given filter impulse response $h(n,m)$.
- Based on the result, determine if the given filter is a high-pass or a low-pass filter.
In the solution they proved that: $$ H(k,l)=\sum_{m=-1}^{1}\sum_{n=-1}^{1}h(m,n)e^{-i2\pi\left(\frac{m}{3}k+\frac{n}{3}l\right)}=\frac{1}{9}\left(2\cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi k\right)+1\right)\left(2\cos\left(\frac{2}{3}\pi l\right)+1\right) $$ Then for the second part, they said that because $H(0,0)=1$ and $H(\pi,\pi)=0$ we can figure it's a lowpass filter. I'm trying to understand why. I could not find such "definition" online. Mathematically speaking, given filter $h(n,m)$ how can I know if it's a lowpass or highpass filter?