I know is that for a system to be invertible it should be mapping one-one, but what happens in this signal?, I feel like I need to know the value of $x[n]$ before.
$y[n]= \mathrm{median}\{x[n-1],x[n],x[n+1]\}$
Consider a signal $x$ such that $x(n) = x_0$ for almost every $n$, but for every 10$^{th}$ sample $x(n) = 100 x_0$. Then a median filter will return $y(n) = x_0$ always.
You can change the value of that "every tenth sample" in any way you want: let it equal $x_0 - 100$, $\pi$, $42$, whatever, and the result is the same.
Because the results are all the same when you have different inputs, you cannot reconstruct the input from the output -- this is the essence of the filter being non-invertible.