I want to design a filter to deal with periodic signals according to the actual collected data. In practice, I would like to use the SNR as the criterion to judge the performance of the filter. However, I meet a probelm about how to calculate the SNR according to a data set containing noise collected by the ADC. For example, here is a MATLAB demo to simulate the square signal with nosie collected using a 12-bit ADC:
t = 1:10000; % length of collected data
fre = 50; % signal frequency
fs = 20000; % Sampling frequency
square_signal = square(2*pi*fre*t/fs);
noise = randn(length(square_signal),1); % noise
ad_data = noise'*50 + square_signal*500+1000; % adc data
In practice, I only could get ad_data
using the ADC, while the noise
and square_signal
are unknown. Besides, the ad_da are in the range of [0,4095] instead of [-1,1]. The data I actually collected using ADC is within the range of [400,1700], which is the same as as_data
Now, what I want to do is to design the filter based on this collected data (ad_data
), mainly the filter order. I use SNR to judge the filter's performance. I know how to use the noise
and square_signal
to calculate the SNR. However, this is not possible in what I am about to do since there is no way to get pure noise
and square_signal
So, my problem is how to calculate the SNR using the ad_data
? Fox example, I'm designing a FIR filter using fir1(order,0.06)
. How to calculate the SNR of FIR output signal with different filter order?
Besides, I also wonder whether the raw data ad_data
needs to be normalized to [-1,1]? I find that the SNR calculated with the original data ad_data
is much smaller from the SNR calculated with the data normalized to the range [-1, 1]. Which one is right?
You could directly use the above MATLAB demo signal as the original data to answer my questions. Thanks!