I am doing some research on UWB radars which transmit frequency-shifted Gaussian pulses. These pulses are given by: $$ g(t) = p(t)cos(2\pi f_{c}t) = V_{TX}exp(-\frac{t^{2}}{2\tau^2})cos(2\pi f_{c}t) $$ where $f_{c}$ is the center or carrier frequency, $V_{TX}$ is the peak amplitude and $\tau$ determines the Bandwidth of the pulse (you can think of $\tau$ as the standard deviation of $p(t)$. This expression in some papers is equivalent to a higher order derivative of the Gaussian function $p(t)$, such that: $$ g(t) = \frac{d^{n}}{dt^{n}} \left( V_{TX }exp(-\frac{t^{2}}{2\tau^2}) \right) $$ where $n$ denotes the derivative order.
Does anyone know how these two expressions are related? Is there a way of obtaining one from the other?