I was trying to visualize the frequency shift theorem in MATLAB, which states that if the Fourier transform G(f) is shifted by a constant $f_o$, its inverse transform g(t) is multiplied by $e^{j2\pi tf_o}$.
Say one makes two symmetric real valued Gaussians (G(f)) in the frequency domain as shown in the code below as a function of bin numbers. The peaks are symmetrically displaced from the center bin by a constant. When the inverse FFT is applied G(f), the output g(t) looks look the attached photo. A displaced Gaussian in the frequency domain should produce a Gaussian multiplied by cosine waves. Intuitively, it does appear like an exponential decay times a cosine wave.
a) The FFT of a Gaussian is a Gaussian, but g(t) looks like exponential decay times a cosine. b) Another point is why do we see a two-sided symmetric output in the time domain? Shouldn't we see only one sided result in the time domain?
What is the discrepancy here in the time domain?
Frequency Shift Theorem
W=[1:1:9001]'; % bin numbers
n=1; % Gaussian shape, n=1 Gaussian
H=10; % Height of Gaussian
s=25; % standard deviation in frequency domain
w_left=1400; % Position of Gaussian as bin numbers
w_right=length(W)-w_left; % Position of Gaussian as bin numbers
figure (1)
subplot (1,2,1)
plot (W, GShifted,'r', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title ('Shifted Gaussian in Frequency Domain')
xlabel('Bin Numbers (Frequency)')
xlim([1 9001])
subplot (1,2,2)
plot (W, Inverse_GShifted,'b', 'LineWidth', 1.5);
title ('Inverse FFT of Shifted Gaussian')
xlabel('Bin Numbers (Time)')
ylabel('Real Part')
xlim([1 9001])