I am designing (in matlab) a simple system with a DC signal at 0 Hz and some added noise. I am performing a differentiation of the signal (by simply subtracting the last values from each other), next i am applying rolling average algorithm, to filter the high frequencies, and then i simply integrate over a number of samples. Using the pwelch() function on the output i noticed that there is some noise shaping going on, and i don't really now where it is coming from...
I am aware of delta-sigma modulators, but this is not a thing i am doing here: for my integrator i am using a very simple algorithm that adds $n$ last samples together. I would expect a simple integrator behaviour here (with frequency response falling 20db/dec).
Why does the noise shaping take place? https://i.sstatic.net/dTfLl.png
I am posting the code for the signal generation, differentiator and integrator below.
close all
%generate the signal
fs = 1;
T = 1/fs;
t = 0:T:(2^14);
pos = 3 * t;
noise = 2 * randn(1, length(t));
pos = pos+noise;
%differentiate the signal
diff_time = 1;
diff_out = [];
len = length(pos);
for j = 1+diff_time : len
diff_out(j-diff_time) = pos(j)-pos(j-diff_time);
%filter the hf with MA filter with 16 taps
MA_avg = zeros(1,16);
for i = 1 : length(diff_out)-16
avg_val = MA_avg(end);
old_val = diff_out(i);
current_val = diff_out(i+16);
MA_avg(end+1) = current_val-old_val+avg_val;
pos_intgr = integrate(MA_avg, 16);
%get the spectral power
NFFT = length(pos_intgr);
[P, F] = pwelch(pos_intgr,ones(NFFT,1),0,NFFT,fs,'power');
PdBW = 10*log10(P);
ylabel('Power spectrum (dbW)')
function [acu_down] = integrate(signal, taps)
len = length(signal);
acu_down = [0];
i = 1;
k = 1;
while i <= len-taps
sum = 0; %reset the sum
for j = 0 : taps-1
sum = sum + signal(i+j);
i = i+taps;
acu_down(k) = sum;
k = k+1;
%cut out the LSB
acu_down = acu_down ./ taps;