In the frequency domain I have the following function:
$$ H(f)=A(f)\cdot e^{i\beta(f)} $$
Where both $A(f)$ and $\beta(f)$ are known functions. The thing I would like to do is to model the response of this filter in the time domain to an incoming discrete signal ($x[n]$) according to:
$$ y[n]=h[n]\otimes x[n] $$
$$ h[n]=\frac{1}{f_{s}}\int_{-\frac{f_{s}}{2}}^{\frac{f_{s}}{2}}H(f)\cdot e^{2\pi i f n/f_{s}}df $$
When I use a real valued filter, e.g. $h[n]=0.5$ for all values of n, the resulting signal is also real valued. However, when I add an imaginary part to the filter, e.g. $h[n]=0.5+0.5i$ the resulting real part of the signal is the same as for $h[n]=0.5$ and the output signal contains an imaginary part, even though this should only be a phase shift.
How do I convert this to a real signal with a phase shift?
Thanks in advance