There are two things that make this image particularly difficult to segment using thresholding or a sequence of morphological operations:
- Illumination - some parts of the streets are hit by more sun light than others, hence confused as a foreground (the things you call "bridges").
- Inhomogeneous foreground - the rooftop of a building is not necessarily one color (take for example the most top-left building), hence the "holes" you observe in the footprint.
I managed to get somewhat better results using region-based segmentation and based my solution on this example. Note that I am using SK-image but you should not have problem converting the code to OpenCV as they support the same functions. First, I load and grayscale the image:
img = imread("gfy4e.jpg")
img = rgb2gray(img) * 255
The reason I multiply the grayscaled image by 255 is because it makes the image histogram more readable.
Since I used the Watershed algorithm, which requires an elevation map and markers, these are the next things I obtained:
elevation_map = sobel(img)
t = threshold_otsu(img)
markers = np.zeros_like(img)
markers[img < t] = 1
markers[img > t] = 2
Then I apply the Watershed algorithm and fill holes in the resulting image like so:
segmented = watershed(elevation_map, markers)
segmented = binary_fill_holes(segmented - 1)
The noise which remained across the streets I removed by applying an closing operation:
segmented = area_opening(segmented, area_threshold=256, connectivity=1)
You can play around with the hyper-parameters of the functions if the final result does not fully satisfy you. You can also look up Machine/Deep learning approaches towards segmentation as they might be able to give you a better result across wider range of images. Here is the complete code (without the plotting bits):
# Imports:
import numpy as np
from import imread
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu, sobel
from skimage.segmentation import watershed
from scipy.ndimage import binary_fill_holes
from skimage.morphology import area_opening
# Solution:
img = imread("gfy4e.jpg")
img = rgb2gray(img) * 255
elevation_map = sobel(img)
t = threshold_otsu(img)
markers = np.zeros_like(img)
markers[img < t] = 1
markers[img > t] = 2
segmented = watershed(elevation_map, markers)
segmented = binary_fill_holes(segmented - 1)
segmented = area_opening(segmented, area_threshold=256, connectivity=1)