$x[n]$ is an $N$-point sequence whose DFT is $X[k]$
$$x[n]\xrightarrow{\mathcal{DFT}} X[k]$$
Prove that: DFT of the same sequence after insertion of $(M-1)$ zeroes between successive samples is $M$ times repetition of DFT of original Sequence .
$$\begin{aligned}x\left[\frac{n}{M}\right]\xrightarrow{\mathcal{DFT}}\{&X[0],0,0,\dots,0,\\&X[1],0,0,\dots,0,\\&X[2],0,0,\dots,0,\\&\vdots\\&X[N-2],0,0,\dots,0,\\&X[N-1],0,0,\dots,0 \}\end{aligned}$$
My attempt:
$$ \mathcal{DFT} \left\{x\left[\frac{n}{M}\right] \right\}=\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{n=MN-1}x\left[\dfrac{n}{M}\right]W_{N}^{nk}$$
replacing $n\to{ nM}$
$$\text{LHS}=\displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^{n=N-\frac{1}{M}}x[n]W_{N}^{Mnk}\neq \big(X[k]\big)^M$$
I'm doing some mistake that is why i'm not getting $\text{RHS}=\big(X[k]\big)^M$.
Can anyone help me in proving this property?
$x[n]$ have period $ N$ so, $x[\frac{n}{M}]$ will be having period $MN$.
$W_{N}$ is twiddle factor $=N$ th root of unity$=\exp\left(-j\tfrac{2\pi}{N}\right) $