In a recent quiz, we were given the following problem:
The cascaded LTI systems $\mathcal{T}_1$ and $\mathcal{T}_2$ respectively have impulse responses $h_1[n]=\delta[n+3]$ and $h_2[n]=\delta[5−n]$. What is the output when the input is $x[n]=n$, i.e., find $y[n]=\mathcal{T}_2\{\mathcal{T}_1\{x[n]\}\}$.
I am primarily confused about the "LTI-ness" of the system and at a contradiction; given the second stage to be LTI (assuming that for a system to be LTI as a whole, all its stages/subsystems must also be LTI). Thus, we can say that a sub-system with $h \lbrack n \rbrack = \delta \lbrack 5 - n\rbrack$, i.e. $y \lbrack n \rbrack = x \lbrack 5 - n\rbrack$ should be LTI, which already seems to be false. To prove that, I considered the following convolution sum: $$\tilde{y} \lbrack n \rbrack = \displaystyle{\sum_{k = -\infty}^{\infty} x \lbrack k \rbrack \delta \lbrack 5 - n + k \rbrack} = x \lbrack n-5 \rbrack \ne x \lbrack 5-n \rbrack = y \lbrack n \rbrack$$
And this is a contradiction since, after the convolution, the output doesn't match the original output with which we started.
Also, I realized that interestingly, the convolution always gives a result that corresponds to an LTI system (as in the case above too: $y[n]=x[n−5]$ is LTI whereas $y[n] = x[5-n]$ is not).
Also, since $\delta[n]$ is even, any non-LTI system's impulse response, for example, $\delta[1−n]$, will equal $\delta[n−1]$ which corresponds the impulse response of an LTI system. This explains why I am getting LTI characteristics after the convolution. This is interesting too since in either way the impulse response implies delaying the signal by 1 (in the current example).
And so did the impulse response $\delta[5-n]$ stated in the quiz question just qualitatively imply a delay of 5, and is, technically, not the exact description of the underlying system?
So, in summary, I have the following two doubts:
- Is the convolution sum only true for the output relation of an LTI system? If so, then can it be used to prove non-LTI-ness of a system in the same manner as above?
- Is the quiz question incorrect?
Any help will be greatly appreciated!