Hi guys i am doing a course in Digital Filters and Spectral analysis. We are given a coursework/homework, and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. I come from Maths background, never done any signal processing before, and since I am new to the university I don't really have anyone to ask.
In this exercise you are required to use spectral analysis techniques to determine the musical notes played within a short audio sample (with sampling frequency 44.1KHz). The sample will comprise a short sequence of 5 chords, each comprising 3 or 4 different musical notes played concurrently. Each note comprises a fundamental plus a series of harmonics at multiples of the fundamental frequency. All of the notes in this exercise belong to the 12 note equal temperament scale.
Here is some piece of code I scrambled so far:
[x,fs] = audioread('sample1_va18535.wav');
fs % fs is the sampling frequency usually 44.1 KHz
wavplay; % Play audio
N = 4410; % 0.1 seconds at 44.1KHz
N1 = 2205; % 0.05 seconds
n = N1+1:N1+N; % 0.05 – 0.15 seconds
xn = x(n,1); % Select left channel of short clip
wavplay; % Play short clip
t = n/fs; % Time index
xlabel('Time (s)');
window = hamming(N); % Create window
wxn = xn .* window; % Apply window
Xk = fft(wxn); % DFT
k = 0:N-1;
f=k*fs/N; % Frequency in Hz
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)');
Now I am pretty sure this is far from over ( I am not even sure if this code is correct).Would anyone be so kind and explain to me how can I generate those frequencies? I know I am required to create a vector of fundamental frequencies and ignore any harmonics.
Here is the file: https://ufile.io/lyge5