I was studying Random Process and I thought I understood what it was all about until I came across this example. Consider a random experiment of tossing a coin with sample space S = {H, T} The sample functions are given by:
$X(t, H) = x_1(t) = \sin(\omega_1t) \tag{1}$
$X(t, T) = x_2(t) = \sin(\omega_2t) \tag{2}$
Now, I understand that random process at any particular time instance say $t_k$ gives me a random variable. Also, the sum of probabilities of a random variable should be 1 i.e. $$X(t_k,H) + X(t_k,T) = 1 \tag{3}$$ subsequently in general no matter where I sample the random process I should have, $$\sin(\omega_1t) + \sin(\omega_2t) = 1 \tag{4}$$
But the Equation 4 won't be true for all values of t.
Question 1. Where am I going wrong above?
Question 2. If I take the value of $X(t,\lambda)$ at a particular time $t_k$and at a particular $\lambda_i$ the value $X(t_k,\lambda_i)$ will be a number. This number is equal to the probability of $X(t,\lambda)$ taking value $\lambda_i$ at time instance $t_k$. Am I correct?