I am trying to understand the following piece of text. I am not used to dealing with sound intensity and power so I'm not familiar with the derivation of the formula $(*)$ below.
Statement: 1.
We assume there exist $K$ point sources in the far-field indexed by the letter $k$. Each propagates in the direction of the unit vector $p_k$. Then the signal coming from direction $p ∈ S$ is given by $x(p, ω, t) = \tilde x(p, ω)e^{jωt}$,where $\tilde x(p, ω)$ is the emitted sound signal by a source located at $p$ and frequency $ω$. The intensity of the sound field is then $$ I(p,\omega) = \mathbb{E}[|x(p, ω, t)|^2] = \sum_{k=1}^K \sigma_k^2(\omega) \delta(p - p_k), \tag{$*$} $$ where $\sigma_k^2(\omega)$ is the power of the $k$-the source and $\delta(p)$ is the Dirac delta function on the unit circle.
How is $(*)$ derived? The formula for intensity on Wikipedia is $$ I(r) = P/A(r), $$ where $P$ is the power and $A(r)$ is the surface area of a sphere of radius $r$. The formula in $(*)$ doesn't seem to make any use of a sphere of radius $r$..and it also features Dirac deltas which aren't in the Wikipedia formula.
So what is the relationship between the Wikipedia formula and the formula $(*)$?