Let $W[k]$ be a stationary white noise with variance = 1
Question: Is $X[k] = W[k] + c \cdot W[k-1]$ white noise?
$c$ is a real number.
Let $W[k]$ be a stationary white noise with variance = 1
Question: Is $X[k] = W[k] + c \cdot W[k-1]$ white noise?
$c$ is a real number.
Calculate the autocorrelation of the process.
$$\begin{align} R_{xx}[n] &=\mathbb{E}[(W[k] + c W[k-1])(W[k-n] + c W[k-1-n])] \\ &=\mathbb{E}[W[k]W[k-n]]+ \mathbb{E}[cW[k]W[k-1-n]]+\mathbb{E}[cW[k-1]W[k-n]]+\mathbb{E}[c^2W[k-1]W[k-1-n]] \\ &=\sigma^2\delta[n]+c\sigma^2\delta[n+1]+c\sigma^2\delta[n-1]+c^2\sigma^2\delta[n]\\ &=\sigma^2(1+c^2)\delta[n]+c\sigma^2\delta[n+1]+c\sigma^2\delta[n-1] \end{align}$$
The definition of white noise implies that $R_{xx}[n]=\sigma^2\delta[n]$, which is not the case here.