While it may seem overly formal, this is the best way I know of to view this issue of correlation regarding deterministic or random signals. I'm gonna change the semantics a little.
If $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ are known signals, the cross-correlation between them is
R_{xy}(\tau) &\triangleq \big\langle x(t),y(t+\tau) \big\rangle \\
&= \lim_{T \to \infty} \frac{1}{T} \int\limits_{-\frac{T}{2}}^{+\frac{T}{2}} x(t) \overline{y(t+\tau)} \, \mathrm{d}t
$\overline{y(t)}$ is the complex conjugate of $y(t)$. Don't worry about it if $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ are real. So this inner product notation, $\langle a,b \rangle$ is somehow multiplying $a$ and $b$ together and getting an average or mean of that result. For deterministic signals, the mean is done by that integral above (or a summation for discrete-time signals).
For random signals that mean is done probabilisticly
R_{xy}(\tau) &\triangleq \big\langle x(t),y(t+\tau) \big\rangle \\
&= \mathbb{E}\big\{ x(t) \cdot \overline{y(t+\tau)}\big\} \\
&= \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty} \int\limits_{-\infty}^{+\infty} (\alpha \cdot \overline{\beta}) \ p_{xy}(\alpha,\beta,\tau) \, \mathrm{d}\alpha \, \mathrm{d}\beta
where $t$ is an arbitrary time picked at random and $p_{xy}(\alpha,\beta, \tau)$ is the joint p.d.f. of random variables $x(t)$ and $y(t+\tau)$ at some arbitrary time $t$. If the differentials $\mathrm{d}\alpha$ and $\mathrm{d}\beta$ are small, then
$$ p_{xy}(\alpha,\beta,\tau) \, \mathrm{d}\alpha \, \mathrm{d}\beta = \mathrm{Probability} \Big\{ \alpha \le x(t) < \alpha + \mathrm{d}\alpha
\ \mathrm{and} \ \beta \le y(t+\tau) < \beta + \mathrm{d}\beta \Big\} $$
Now, if we make an additional salient assumption and call both processes, $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ ergodic, then we are assuming that the time average for $R_{xy}(\tau)$ at the top is equal to the probabilistic average for $R_{xy}(\tau)$ at the bottom.
If $R_{xy}(\tau) = 0$ for some $\tau$, then $x(t)$ and $y(t)$ are uncorrelated (for that value of $\tau$). But that doesn't mean that they are independent random variables.
These two signals are uncorrelated (for $\tau=0$) but not independent:
x(t) &= \cos(t) \\
y(t) &= \sin(t) \\
where $t$ can be a lotta different things, including an uniform p.d.f. random variable with p.d.f. having width $2 \pi$.