I have two sensors that measure speed $v(t)$ of a moving vehicle. The first sensor produces a signal $f(t)$ which is a very accurate estimation of speed. However, it only works for slow to moderate speeds and beyond a certain limit, it simply fails to report anything. Let's assume we can model this behavior with an additional output of this sensor using signal $h(t)$, which is $1$ while $f(t)$ is valid and is $0$ when $f(t)$ is invalid.
Now, the second sensor produces signal $g(t)$ for all speeds but it is not particularly accurate. When $h(t)$ is 1, i.e. when speed is low and the first sensor produces perfect results via $f(t)$, the signal from the second sensor could be modeled as:
Equation 1: $g(t) = \beta_{0}(t) + \beta_{1}(t)v(t) + \epsilon$
The parameters for this linear relationship, $\beta_{0}$ and $\beta_{1}$ are unknown. All we know is that they vary very slowly over time.
So the problem is to estimate $v(t)$ given the 3 signals $f,h,g$.
One solution is of course to forget about $g(t)$ and just report the last value of $f(t)$ when it becomes invalid. Effectively, it means to saturate the output at a certain high speed.
Alternatively, my initial idea was to use a form of rolling linear regression to estimate the $\beta$ parameters with a fixed window size $w$: When $h(t)$ is $1$, I simply report $f(t)$ and update $\beta_{0}$ and $\beta_{1}$. When it is $0$, I report a $\hat{v}(t)$ estimated using $g(t)$ and the last calculated $\beta$ coefficients. This is obviously very slow since I have to solve a linear regression at each sample.
(1) Does the idea of using rolling linear regression make sense? If yes, how can I do it fast?
(2) Would it be possible to something like a Kalman filter to solve this problem? I'm not sure how to express this problem in a linear state-space model.
(3) I guess the most challenging question would be what to do in the case that $f(t)$ is quantized (e.g. an integer value) while $v(t)$ and $g(t)$ are not. I guess we might be able to simulate it by assuming a uniform distribution for $\epsilon$ in equation 1.