
I want to program the 2D inverse discrete wavelet transform (only 1 level) in the case of image processing. In the matlab website there's this diagram: enter image description here

now, I want to program the IDWT with haar wavelets. What are the kernels of the low pass filter and the high pass filters?

  • $\begingroup$ Any more answer needed before upvote and validation $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 29, 2020 at 15:14

1 Answer 1


here is one version of the Haar analysis/synthesis filter bank pair. Oddly, the synthesis filters, up to a scale factor, are mirrors of the analysis filters.

Other options are:

  • $\pm 1/\sqrt{2}$ instead or $1/2$ and $1$ (orthogonal version);
  • reverse: $[1 \; \pm 1]$ at analysis and $[\pm 1/2 \; 1/2]$ at the synthesis.

haar wavelet analysis and synthesis


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