Consider a discrete 'blurred' output $h[t]$ given by the convolution of filter $f[t]$ and signal $g[t]$. This question considers recovering $g[t]$ from a window (subset) of $h[t]$. This causes the problem to be under-determined.
$$h[t] = (f * g)[t]$$
Original signal $g[t]$:
$$g[t] = [1,5,3,5,7,7]$$
Moving average filter $f$ of window size 2:
$$f[t] = [0.5,0.5,0,0,0,0,0]$$
The full 'blurred' output $h$ is given by:
$$h[t] = [0.5,3,4,4,6,7,3.5]$$
Given $h$ the problem of recovering $g$ is well-posed and can be recovered simply using Fourier transforms:
$$g[t] = \mathcal{F}^{-1}\left\{\frac{\mathcal{F}\left\{h[t]\right\}}{\mathcal{F}\left\{f[t]\right\}}\right\}$$
However in practice the recovery needs to be made from a windowed output $h'[t]$:
$$h[t]' = [3,4,4,6,7]$$
The problem of recovering $g[t]$ from $h'[t]$ is ill-conditioned since there are an infinite number of solutions. One approach I have seen suggested is to take $g[1] = h'[1]$. In this case the recovered profile $g'[t]$ is given by:
$$g'[t] = [3,3,5,3,9,5]$$
My understanding is that most approaches are based on regularisation however most sources seem to focus on ill-conditioning resulting from additive noise rather than ill-conditioning resulting from a windowed output. What are the approaches typically used for this problems? Can you apply it to this toy example?