Kinda new to image processing, so pardon me if the question is too stupid.
Using the library cv2 in python to capture video from my webcam, which, so far as I can see as a programmer, is basically an array of images. But nothing specifies the frame rate of a video. Suppose I use the following code snippet to capture a video.
while True:
capture, frame =
cv2.imshow('Being Captured. Hit Escape to Stop',frame)
if cv2.waitKey(1)&0xFF==27:break
As I understand about the waitKey function, the camera captures a frame, waits for a millisecond, then captures the next one etc. So if a millisecond for each still image, does it mean the frame-rate is 1 KHz? Typical rates for most videos is 25-30 Hz, right? So can I adjust that just by changing the argument of waitKey in inverse proportion? Or, is my thought process wrong somewhere?