Let's say I have a signal, $x(t)$, defined as such,
$ x(t) = \begin{cases} 0 &\text{if} \,\,\, t < -\alpha/2 \\ \frac 1\alpha t+\frac12 &\text{if} \,\,\, -\alpha/2 \leq t \leq \alpha/2 \\ 1 &\text{if} \,\,\, t > \alpha/2 \end{cases} $
Thus, $x(t)$ is some signal that exhibits a jump from $0$ to $1$ over some timescale $\alpha$ around $t = 0$. For $\alpha = 0$, $x(t)$ has a discontinuous jump or an edge.
Now, let's add Gaussian Noise with $\sigma = 1$ to $x(t)$. Thus, $x(t)$ has a signal-to-noise of 1.
Now, say, I want to use some sort of edge-preserving smoothing filter on the noisy $x(t)$ to determine $\alpha$. It is obvious that any smoothing filter will wash away this edge a little and make it difficult to distinguish between a signal with $\alpha = 0$ and a signal with $\alpha = \alpha_{\mathrm{min}}$ for some minimum alpha. But there should be some minimum $\alpha$ that is distinguishable from a sharp edge.
For example, a Gaussian smoothing filter of some scale will make it impossible to distinguish between $\alpha$ less than that scale, but should make it possible to detect $\alpha$ larger than the scale of the filter.
What is the best possible performance a smoothing filter can have with regards to edge-preservation in this case? That is, what is the best possible smoothing filter that I can use for this low signal-to-noise regime that will be able to distinguish between $\alpha = 0$ and $\alpha = \alpha_{\mathrm{min}}$ for the smallest possible $\alpha_{\mathrm{min}}$.
Now, obviously, in practice we have discrete signals and $x(t)$ will be sampled at some sampling rate. So, hopefully, the answer to this question will address this. There's no real use to answering this question as if it was referring to a continuous signal.