I need to calculate the inverse of a autocorrelation matrix
$$\mathbf R_{xx} = E\left\{\mathbf x \mathbf x^T\right\}$$
Where the samples $\mathbf x$ are $266000\times 1$ vectors, which means I'll have a $266000\times 266000$ matrix and need to invert it. But I only need the first 729 lines. The problem is, I have to find a classifier $\mathbf h$, where $$\mathbf h = \mathbf R_{xx}^{-1}\mathbf u$$
where $\mathbf R_{xx}$ is the autocorrelation matrix and $\mathbf u$ is a $266000\times 1$ vector.
I have $\mathbf u$ and I can calculate $\mathbf R_{xx}$, but I can't save it on memory (it's a matrix larger than 400GB and I only have 380GB available). I'm only interested in the first 729 lines of $\mathbf h$