I got an assignment in a video processing course - to stabilize a video using the Lucas-Kanade method. Assuming the matlab code I wrote for performing LK on 2 images works (i.e, I can get the optical flow matrices u
, v
that allow me to warp one image towards another) - how can I use it to perform a video stabilization?
As far as I understand, the main idea is to calculate the OF for each 2 adjacent frames, and to warp all the images towards the first one. that means that I need to keep the total warp that I accumulate during the whole process- and practically: saving total warp matrices u_tot, v_tot
and add to them the u, v
matrices I got from 2 adjacent frames, to perform a warp of the latter frame according to u_tot, v_tot
and so on (notice the matlab code below).
Am I going in the right direction? I'd like to get an advise... thanks
matlab code:
EDIT: changes the code + added the WarpImage imp. (23.4.17)
function StabilizedVid =LucasKanadeVideoStabilization(InputVid,WindowSize,MaxIter,NumLevels,NumOfFrames)
% InputVid is a VideoFileReader object
% WindowSize - window size for the LK phase
% MaxIter - maximal number of iterations for the LK phase
% NumLevels - number of levels in the pyramid for the LK phase
% NumOfFrames - number of frames to process
StabilizedVid = vision.VideoFileWriter('StabilizedVid.avi');
cnt = 1;
if (~isDone(InputVid))
frame1 = im2double(rgb2gray(step(InputVid)));
first_frame = true;
error('no frames in the video');
while ~isDone(InputVid)
cnt = cnt+1;
frame2 = im2double(rgb2gray(step(InputVid)));
[frame1, frame2] = sizeCheck(frame1, frame2, NumLevels);
if (first_frame)
u_tot = zeros(size(frame1));
v_tot = zeros(size(frame1));
first_frame = false;
disp(['processing frames no. ', num2str(cnt-1), ', ', num2str(cnt)]);
[u ,v] = LucasKanadeOpticalFlow(frame1,frame2,WindowSize,MaxIter,NumLevels);
disp(['time: ', num2str(toc)]);
u_tot = u_tot + u;
v_tot = v_tot + v;
frame2_warp = WarpImage(frame2, u_tot, v_tot);
if cnt >= NumOfFrames
frame1 = frame2_warp;
function I_warp = WarpImage(I,u,v)
% I - image to warp
% u,v - the optical flow parameters gotten from the LK algorithm
[x, y] = meshgrid(1:size(I,2),1:size(I,1));
% interpulate
I_warp = interp2(I, x+u, y+v, 'cubic');
% in case of NaN values - put the original values of I instead
I_warp(isnan(I_warp)) = I(isnan(I_warp));
function...@MimSaad $\endgroup$