Readings the output of the FFT of the picture of a circle in ImageJ at some random point $(163,128)$ I get $X_{\text{Re}}=-0.182$ and $X_{\text{Im}}=-3.854$, using the Complex
plot (yellow dot). The value
on the output on the FFT
plot is $32$ (cross cursor symbol):
I don't understand why the relation between this latter value ($32$), which I presumed it was the amplitude, and the real and imaginary components, i.e. $\vert X[k]\vert=\sqrt{X_\text{Re}^2+X_\text{Im}^2}$, is not fulfilled.
I had come across the power spectrum logarithmic quote in the ImageJ manual:
The frequency domain image is stored as 32-bit float FHT
attached to the 8-bit image that displays the power spectrum.
but I can't find a formula to translate the values between the output on ImageJ and the square root. For instance $\log 32 =3.466$, while $\sqrt{(-0.182)^2 + (-3.854)}=3.858$. I wonder if there is some normalization across the image, for example to explain this difference.
This is likely related to the Hartley transform used in ImageJ (page 39).