
I have a few sequences of images, taken at fixed camera position, that address a moving object, which means the object moves towards the camera. But all the sequences of images are the cropped images of the object and all images are in the same size (grayscale images). From naked eyes, we can see the images that are closer to the camera are better than the ones that taken at far distance. How can I show scientifically or show a proof that the images have varied quality? I also want to compare the quality between sequences.

  • $\begingroup$ SE.DSP wishes you a happy new year 2017, with a kind reminder that your question and its answers may require some action (update, votes, acceptance, etc.) $\endgroup$ Commented Dec 31, 2016 at 17:08
  • $\begingroup$ jbthomas.org/SupervisedPhD/2015PingZhaoThesis.pdf Camera based Display Image Quality Assessment $\endgroup$
    – usman
    Commented Aug 3, 2017 at 9:04

1 Answer 1


You are apparently in the context of no-reference, reference-free or blind image quality assessment. The topic is quite active, and I am not sure people have already a completely accepted framework for that. Multiple distortions may affect images: random noise, compression artifact, static blur, motion blur, etc. They require different metrics (benchmark data here). Some references to start with, and help you for more focused questions:

The first three papers come from the same group, an hint that the paint is still wet.


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