I need to check if the estimation algorithm has converged or not. I am using the Maximum Likelihood estimation method. For convergence check, we see if the log-likelihood has reached its maximum value or not. But I am having difficulty in implementing the log-likelihood expression.
As an example, I am estimating the model parameters of a Moving Average model of order d =3 expressed in Eq(1). The known coefficients are h = [1 0.45 -0.2]
.The pdf is given in Eq(2) and the log-likelihood in Eq(3).
I have tried the following steps. For 9 different values of the channel coefficients, I calculate the likelihood expression. I then iterate 9 times to get 9 different values. After the vector of likelihood values are obtained, I should take the log of the values of likelihood and plot. However, I am stuck in the plot as I cannot understand how to show the maximum for the coefficients of the channel which is in a vector.
Question 1: I am stuck in implementation in the step. How do I plot the curve and show at which value of $H$ the curve reaches its maximum value?
Question 2: I want to add noise of 5dB using the awgn()
function as follows
But in that case I cannot understand what value I should take for the standard deviation of the noise, s
clear all
N=256; %Number of Samples to collect
H_est = [1.07648398119767,0.469220009437168,-0.0245459792881367;
%Generating source information signal
z = rand(1,N);
h = [1 0.45 -0.2]; %true known channel impulse response
y = filter(h,1,z);
s=1; %Assume standard deviation s=1
tol = 1e-4;
maxiter = 9; %because there are 9 values of the channel coefficients
llh = -inf(1,maxiter);
llh=zeros(1,9); %Place holder for likelihoods
for iter=1:9
%Calculate Likelihoods for each parameter value in the range
H = H_est(iter,:);
Hz= filter(H,1,z);
llh(iter) = exp(-sum((y-Hz).^2)/(2*s^2)); %Neglect the constant term (1/(sqrt(2*pi)*sigma))^N as it will pull %down the likelihood value to zero for
% increasing value of N
if abs(llh(iter)-llh(iter-1)) < tol*abs(llh(iter-1)); break; end % check likelihood for convergence
[maxL,index]=max(llh); %Select the parameter value with Maximum Likelihood
display('Maximum Likelihood of H');