Let me take a stab at it.
You agree that $\mathbf{R}_k$ is positive definite. Since it is the variance.
Now, $\mathbf{P}_{k|k-1}$ is also positive definite as it is a covariance matrix, as mentioned by @Matt L.
Let us do an eigen-decomposition of $\mathbf{P}_{k|k-1} = \mathbf{Q}{\bf \Lambda}{\bf Q}^T$. The matrix ${\bf \Lambda} = diag[\lambda_1,\lambda_2, \ldots, \lambda_M]$. Therefore, the term $${\bf H}_k {\bf P}_{k|k-1} {\bf H}_k^T= {\bf H}_k \mathbf{Q}{\bf \Lambda}{\bf Q}^T {\bf H}_k^T = \tilde{\bf H}_k {\bf \Lambda}\tilde{\bf H}_k^T $$ where $\tilde{\bf H}_k = {\bf H}_k \mathbf{Q}$ is the transformed observation matrix.
If you express, the matrix $\tilde{\bf H}_k = [\tilde{\bf h}_1, \tilde{\bf h}_2, \ldots, \tilde{\bf h}_M] $, in terms of is columns, you can express
$$ \tilde{\bf H}_k {\bf \Lambda}\tilde{\bf H}_k^T = \underbrace{\sum_{i = 1}^M \lambda_i\tilde{\bf h}_i\tilde{\bf h}_i^T}_{Sum\, of \, positive\, semidef. matrices} $$
We can see that the expression above yields a sum of positive definite (rank 1) matrices since all $\lambda_i$ are positive and all $\tilde{\bf h}_i\tilde{\bf h}_i^T$ is positive semidefinite.
Therefore the term $({\bf H}_k {\bf P}_{k|k-1} {\bf H}_k^T + {\bf R}_k)$ is invertible because as ${\bf R}_k$ is invertible, adding a positive semidefinite matrix ${\bf H}_k {\bf P}_{k|k-1} {\bf H}_k^T$ maintains the invertibility.