The paper titled "Reconvering High Dynamic Range Radiance Maps from Photographs" from Debevec and Malik is a seminal paper in high dynamic imaging. In this paper, it proposed a method to estimate the camera response function (CRF), which is equal to optimize the following objective function:
$$\mathcal O = \sum_{i=1}^N\sum_{j=1}^P\left\{w\left(Z_{ij}\right)\left[g\left(Z_{ij}\right)-\ln E_i-\ln\Delta t_j\right]\right\}^2+\lambda \sum_{z=Z_{\rm min}+1}^{Z_{\rm max}-1}\left[w(z)g''(z)\right]^2$$
The author also provides MATLAB codes to optimize this object function:
% gsolve.m − Solve for imaging system response function
% Given a set of pixel values observed for several pixels in several
% images with different exposure times, this function returns the
% imaging system’s response function g as well as the log film irradiance
% values for the observed pixels.
% Assumes:
% Zmin = 0
% Zmax = 255
% Arguments:
% Z(i,j) is the pixel values of pixel location number i in image j
% B(j) is the log delta t, or log shutter speed, for image j
% l is lamdba, the constant that determines the amount of smoothness
% w(z) is the weighting function value for pixel value z
% Returns:
% g(z) is the log exposure corresponding to pixel value z
% lE(i) is the log film irradiance at pixel location i
function [g,lE]=gsolve(Z,B,l,w)
n = 256;
A = zeros(size(Z,1)*size(Z,2)+n+1,n+size(Z,1));
b = zeros(size(A,1),1);
%% Include the data−fitting equations
k = 1;
for i=1:size(Z,1)
for j=1:size(Z,2)
wij = w(Z(i,j)+1);
A(k,Z(i,j)+1) = wij; A(k,n+i) = −wij; b(k,1) = wij * B(i,j);
%% Fix the curve by setting its middle value to 0
A(k,129) = 1;
%% Include the smoothness equations
for i=1:n−2
A(k,i)=l*w(i+1); A(k,i+1)=−2*l*w(i+1); A(k,i+2)=l*w(i+1);
%% Solve the system using SVD
x = A\b;
g = x(1:n);
lE = x(n+1:size(x,1));
The implementation codes are well understood, and my question is why this implementation can optimize the object function. If I understand well about this implementation, the solution to the object function is the one that makes the gradients of the object function equal to zero. However, one thing I am confused is that why the first part and the second part of the object function are treated independently. How could it be possible?