For a bandlimited signal $x(t)$ that is reconstructed after Nyquist-sampling at intervals $T$,
$$x(t) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} {x[k]\textrm{sinc}\left(\frac{t-kT}{T}\right)}$$
where $x[k]$ = $x(kT)$. For a non-band limited signal $x(t)$, the reconstructed signal will not be same as $x(t)$. Let me call that $p(t)$. Writing the same formula again, so
$$p(t) = \sum_{k=-\infty}^{\infty} {x[k]\textrm{ sinc}\left(\frac{t-kT}{T}\right)}$$
I am trying to see if there is an alternate way of expressing $p(t)$ in terms of $x(t)$ WITHOUT INVOLVING AN INFINITE SUM. It need not be simpler looking, but just wondering if there are other ways of expressing it.