I want to implement the Fast Cosine Transform. I read on wikipedia, that there is a fast version of the DCT which is similarly computed to the FFT. I tried to read the cited Makhoul* paper, for the FTPACK and FFTW implementations that are also used in Scipy, but I were not able to extract the actually algorithm. This is what I have so far:
FFT code:
def fft(x):
if x.size ==1:
return x
N = x.size
x0 = my_fft(x[0:N:2])
x1 = my_fft(x[0+1:N:2])
k = numpy.arange(N/2)
e = numpy.exp(-2j*numpy.pi*k/N)
l = x0 + x1 * e
r = x0 - x1 * e
return numpy.hstack([l,r])
DCT code:
def dct(x):
k = 0
N = x.size
xk = numpy.zeros(N)
for k in range(N):
for n in range(N):
xn = x[n]
xk[k] += xn*numpy.cos(numpy.pi/N*(n+1/2.0)*k)
return xk
FCT trial:
def my_fct(x):
if x.size ==1:
return x
N = x.size
x0 = my_fct(x[0:N:2]) # have to be set to zero?
x1 = my_fct(x[0+1:N:2])
k = numpy.arange(N/2)
n = # ???
c = numpy.cos(numpy.pi/N*(n+1/2.0)*k)
l = x0 #???
r = x0 #???
return numpy.hstack([l,r])
*J. Makhoul, "A fast cosine transform in one and two dimensions," IEEE Trans. Acoust. Speech Sig. Proc. 28 (1), 27-34 (1980).